How long does it take to bridge?
When bridging from ETH -> SOL it takes about 30 minutes to complete, and can change depending on network congestion.
I lost my roles in Discord, how do I get them back?
Go to de.xyz and make sure your destination wallet is connected to your de[id].
Can I use a multi-chain wallet for de[bridge]?
Yes, if both your ETH & SOL wallets are in the same multi-chain wallet, simply connect it for both source and destination. But if they are separate ETH & SOL wallets within the same wallet provider, connect the source and manually enter the destination.
Can I bridge my assets back and forth between ETH/SOL?
Yes, de[bridge] is bi-directional.
What fees are associated with using de[bridge]?
When bridging to ETH, you'll pay gas fees to burn your NFT on SOL and mint your bridged NFT on ETH (check mint status). When bridging to SOL, you'll pay gas fees to burn your NFT on ETH, we'll cover your gas fees on SOL, and your bridged NFT will be automatically airdropped to you (check airdrop status).
Do I need to unstake my NFTs before using de[bridge]?
You don't need to manually unstake your NFTs. We ejected all DeGods & y00ts from the staking contract before launching de[bridge].
Will my bridged NFTs show up in my existing de[id]?